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07 Busan Metropolitan City Online Page 2022-01-04

DAEBANG INDUSTRY CO., LTD., Special Invitation to Digital Innovation Busan Special Committee hosted by Busan City.

07 Busan Metropolitan City Online Page 2022-01-04

The 'Digital Innovation Busan Special Committee', a comprehensive control tower that will lead to change in Busan, has been officially launched.

Busan City has put a lot of effort into becoming a green smart city through a new digital transformation and ecological transformation.

In fact, last year, a new type of local-industry-academic cooperation system has been established.
We have made many preparations for innovation, such as attracting 3.6 trillion won of corporate investment.

This is a time of definite spurs this year.
The key is to nurture good digital talents enough to combine them with new industries and companies.

In that sense, the role of the Busan Special Committee on Digital Innovation is very important. We, as an advisor to Busan City’s digital innovation strategy, policy and technology, We need to work together for digital transformation in Busan, such as discovering and nurturing future growth engine industries and human resources related to digital innovation.

We will lead the digital innovation by demonstrating the city's administrative power with a sense of speed like the bravery and agility of a tiger so that Busan citizens can actually feel it as well.

[Source] The 'Digital Innovation Busan Special Committee' was launched.
Hyung-Jun Park, the Mayor of Busan | Written by Hyung-Jun Park


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